Here we will shortly show how will finance itself in the long run and still be able to present independent and qualitative information. as a free information platform was founded to give an independent platform for the presentation of project management software. The focus is to prepare reviews of different tools and to give an overview of the most important tools.
Startups, founders, but also small to medium-sized companies are defined as the focus group. This is also where the claim to offer the platform free of charge to the user comes from. The aforementioned groups are mostly cost-sensitive. Nevertheless, you should be able to use a good source of information for software selection.
How is financed
Of course, even a small platform like incurs various costs from hosting to content creation. The financing of these costs is to be based on various pillars in the long term. Important in the selection and evaluation of funding is theindependence of information. Even if there is a commission contract with a manufacturer of a project management tool, no information is glossed over. There is still a fair review with all the advantages and disadvantages.
A commission is agreed with various providers so that receives a fixed amount or share of the mediated services. Vendors can be software manufacturers or consulting companies. As an example, a link to the software provider where you, as a user, conclude a contract.
A commission to primarily means no change for you when ordering a software or service. In the best case, you will even receive an additional discount that has agreed upon with the respective provider.
Whenever receives a commission through an action of the user, this is noted with an asterisk “*”.
There will also be advertising on The focus is on few advertising texts or banners to keep a good overview on the page. Advertising is selected so that it fits thematically well in the context of the platform.
Whenever an advertising banner, advertising text is published, this is explicitly marked.
Guest posts
Guest posts are a popular way to get additional revenue in online platforms and blogs. The importance at is that the articles provide added value for the reader and the entire platform. This is ensured by an upstream meeting with the author as well as a thorough cross-checking of the content.
Whenever a guest post is published, this is explicitly marked.
Own products or content
In the course of time, own products are published for an even better comparison of project management software. These can be checklists, extensive comparisons or expert interviews. But even though there will be paid content here and there, most of the information on will remain freely available.
These products are also labeled and more importantly, they continue to allow the free use of
Still independent despite advertising?
As an information platform, it is important to provide independent information. Therefore, on all tools are presented and evaluated according to the same criteria. Not all service providers become advertising partners and yet appropriate reviews are also carried out here. This should not result in any preferential treatment of advertising partners. Of course, despite objective criteria, the ratings also represent the subjective assessment of the respective author.
By the way:
If you feel that certain tools are being prioritized, feel free to email us.
Would you like to advertise, guest post, or see another possible way to collaborate?
Feel free to contact us directly by email.
Our current commission partners
10% with code PMTOOLS10
LinkedIn Learning
* = Commission link
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